Educational Centers of Arteixo
Educational Centers of the City Council of Arteixo
IES de Pastoriza
Pastoriza Secondary School
Institute of secondary education (from 1st to 4th of ESO). Complementary and extracurricular activities, library, cafeteria, reading club, film library and school transport. Computer rooms, drawing, music and technology. Assembly hall and sports court.
CEIP Galán
Galán Infant and Primary Education Center (CEIP Galán)
CEIP Ponte dos Brozos
Ponte dos Brozos Infant and Primary Education Center (CEIP Ponte dos Brozos)
IES de Pastoriza
Pastoriza Secondary School
IES de Sabón
Sabón Secondary School
IES Manuel Murguía
EEI Larín de Arriba
Larín de Arriba School of Early Childhood Education
International Women's Day at CEIP San Xosé Obreiro
Celebration of the 8M in the CEIP San Xosé Obreiro
International Day da Muller na EEI de Rorís
Celebration of 8M on the ISS of Rorís
International Women's Day at CPR Agarimo
Celebration of the 8M in the CPR Agarimo CEIP
International Women's Day on the ISS Barrionovo
Celebration of 8M on the ISS Barrionovo
International Women's Day at CEIP de Galán
Celebration of the 8M in the CEIP Galán
International Women's Day at the IES of Pastoriza
Celebration of the 8M in the IES of Pastoriza
International Women's Day at the EEI Larín de Arriba
Celebration of the 8M in the EEI Larín de Arriba